Trending Pop Culture, Social Media Giveaway teams with East Side Comics for a chance to WIN an exclusive set; G.I. JOE #269 John Giang SNAKE-EYES STORM SHADOW EXCLUSIVE VIRGIN VARIANTS. Winner announced December 18th 2019. Same as release date for these books.
Extremely limited copy run. SNAKE-EYES – Limited to only 1000 run. STORM SHADOW – Limited to 500 run. These are rare indeed.
Visit the East Side Comics website now and buy your set for ONLY $34.99. Also check out the 9.8 graded version available.
Many exclusives at fantastic prices to see on the East Side Comics site. Visit now!
Entering to win is quite simple……
LIKE/Follow Trending Pop Culture, Social Media Giveaway and East Side Comics on ANY social media platform.
SHARE the post on ANY social media platform. YOU MUST TAG US on the platform you share on to receive your entry.
IF you ALREADY follow Trending Pop Culture, Social Media Giveaway and East Side Comics, just SHARE the post for your entry! And TAG US.
(please note: If you have privacy settings on and you share the post. If you do not tag us or post in the actual post that you shared the giveaway, we cannot see your name in the shared area, so we will not know you shared.)
Winners will be contacted (tagged) on the posts we provide.
This giveaway comic is set for release this week. Subject to change.
This giveaway is open to participants in the continental U.S. only.

This promotion is open to participants in the continental U.S. only. If you have won a giveaway from Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway within the last 6 months, you are not eligible in this promotion. Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway and East Side Comics are not responsible for any lost item(s) or damages during shipping. There will be no replacement item(s) shipped out once the product is in the sole possession of the delivery service of Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway and East Side Comics choice. Employee’s or family members of Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway and East Side Comics are not eligible for this promotional giveaway. Please allow some ample time for your comics to get to you. If you do not respond via message (tag) or email to our announcement that you’ve won on any of the social media that we post and tag you on within 15 days, your prize will be forfeited. No rain checks. We will not chase you.
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Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway does not send out prizes. The above company or creator giving away the item(s) sends out the prize(s). Once we receive your address information we send it to the company or creator so that THEY send it to the winner. Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway is NOT responsible for any item(s) not shipped out in a timely manner. Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway is also not responsible for ANY purchased items on ANY website other than our own. We are not liable for any payments made to outside websites other than any purchases made directly through Trending Pop Culture. If there is an issue with any purchased product or shipping regarding this giveaway that is not purchased or won through a direct giveaway from Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway, please contact the company or creator directly if you deem it necessary to do so. We will NOT be the middle man handling the issue, payment(s) or shipping of your item(s). By opening this page, entering this giveaway/contest, you relinquish all grievances to Trending Pop Culture/Social Media Giveaway that may occur and have a full understanding of the disclaimer, rules and shipping.