InvestComics teams up with Unknown Comics for a chance to win limited exclusive Super Sons #1 variants. This variant cover is from artist Mat Nastos.
Here is your chance to win a set of Super Sons #1 variant comics. Three winners will receive; 1st – One 3 pack set, second – one 2 pack set and third – one Kitty cover. All exclusivel and limited from Unknown Comics.
These variants can be purchased at Unknown Comics right HERE.
Limited variants:
Ivy cover – 1500
Kitty cover – 3000
Both – 800
Here is how to enter for your chance to win:
- Follow on Facebook: InvestComics HERE – Social Media Giveaway HERE – Unknown Comics HERE
- LIKE the post on Facebook.
- SHARE the post on Facebook.
You MUST FOLLOW these simple steps to be eligible to win.
SHARE when the post is up on social media.
Winner will be announced on February 15, 2017. Good Luck!
Be sure to visit the Unknown Comics website to purchase other great variants still available.
Fine Print: This promotion is open to participants in the continental U.S. only. If you have won a giveaway from InvestComics LLC or Social Media Giveaway within the last 6 months, you are not eligible in this promotion. InvestComics LLC, Social Media Giveaway and Unknown Comics are not responsible for any lost item(s) or damages shipped after the promotion is over. There will be no replacement item(s) shipped out once the product is in the sole possession of the delivery service of Unknown Comics’ choice. Employee’s or family members of InvestComics, Social Media Giveaway or Unknown Comics are not eligible. If you do not respond via message or email to our announcement that you’ve won on any of the social media that we post and tag you on within 15 days, your prize will be forfeited. No rainchecks. We will not chase you. The comic in this giveaway releases on February 15, 2017. We are not responsible for any unforeseen delays from the distributor or delivery service. Please be patient in receiving your comic.
InvestComics and Social Media Giveaway does not send out prizes; unless specified. The above company or creator giving away the item(s) sends out the prize(s). Once we receive your address information we send it to the company or creator so that THEY send it to the winner. InvestComics is NOT responsible for any item(s) not shipped out in a timely manner. Please contact the company or creator directly if you deem it necessary to do so. We will NOT be the middle man handling the shipping of your item(s).